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Career in United Nation

Working at United Nations is one of the best ways to start your career with a federal job. UN is the organization that promotes international cooperation and works on maintaining international order. This is one of the organizations that are ready to hire even former students who have no experience but have a strong desire to accomplish a job of the federal services. Thus, the number of applicants for job openings is regularly high here, and to join UN team you need to pass several interviews. However, the results definitely worth the efforts, as you get the job of your dream and may expect for moving up the career ladder in the soonest time possible.

In this article, we are going to cover several important aspects that you need to consider if you are aimed to join UN. First, we will tell you what types of contracts exist in UN system, how you can apply for the jobs, and how to create a resume that will open you the door to United Nations. Hope you will love this article and find it useful for your career development!

Contracts in United Nations
So let’s first dwell upon the contacts that United Nations organization has for the employees. In fact, all contracts are divided into two major sections, staff and non-staff. In their turn, they have their own divisions. Thus, staff contracts are as following:
Fixed Term Appointment
Continuous Appointment
Temporary Appointment

Non-staff contracts are distinguished a little bit differently:
Consultant Contract
Special Service Agreement
Individual Contractor
Individual Contractor Agreement
Besides, the contracts have different grades. Please check this article to find more information on contract types.
Your contact will determine your payment and the position that you’ll take in UN. The matter is that many volunteers join UN, and this is not what you are looking for especially if you are aimed to get a federal job. However, if you have no experience at all and if you do not have some prominent achievements as a college student, you may check the possibility to become a volunteer to proceed with career development in a couple of years.

How to join UN
Now, when you know the types of contracts and have checked whether they suit your requirements and whether you are ready to commit to signing them, you need to know how exactly you can join UN. There are several entries, and we have already mentioned the most popular of them, the Volunteer program.

Another way to join UN is to apply to agencies that offer Junior Professional Officer positions to applicants. However, the requirements here are rather strict, as you need to have at least a couple years of experience in working for the agency and you should not turn over 35.

There are also official internship programs for the senior students and Young Professional Program for college graduates.

Application tips

Now we move closer to the application itself. This process has a lot of common with application to any other kind of job though there are some important differences. For example, you need to consider developing a federal resumeas a resume that you use for applying for other jobs will not suit these positions. Additionally, you need to get a corresponding degree as in federal jobs your education and diploma have a huge importance.

Here is the list of tips and tricks that you are to know for being successful in getting a job in United Nations:

Apply for the jobs that suit your degree
If you have not experience yet, consider joining a volunteer UN program (there are programs with 3 months commitments)
Check the official website of United Nations for new job openings and internship programs
Remember to check job marketplaces that regularly post job offers and opportunities
Make sure that your resume is written specially for applying the federal jobs otherwise make use of resume writing services to create CV that will correspond the demands of the market
Look for the opportunities in other countries, as UN encourage international cooperation and have various jobs for those who are ready to travel abroad
Do not hesitate to get involved in short-term programs to show your dedication and the desire to work for UN. Enrolling in these programs, you boost your resume and become a part of UN team even without signing a contract. Later on, you will be able to use this experience for applying for jobs with long-term contracts.
United Nations organization has the opportunities for joining for everyone regardless the age or previous work experience. If you want to apply for a better position, you just need to be persistent and be ready to enroll different programs that will build your image of the experienced and dedicated candidate. Good luck and see you in United Nations!

About The Author


Charles Ebert

Charles is a career mentor, motivational speaker & human resources consultant with over 10 years of experience in HR sector. Charles is a lead expert at Professional Resume Solutions. Apart from career mentoring, he loves photography and football.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to join UN
when you know the types of contracts and have checked whether they suit your requirements and whether you are ready to commit to signing them, you need to know how exactly you can join UN.

Contracts in United Nations
So let’s first dwell upon the contacts that United Nations organization has for the employees.

Non-staff contracts are distinguished a little bit differently
Consultant Contract Special Service Agreement Individual Contractor Individual Contractor Agreement Besides, the contracts have different grades.

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