Career In WASH (Water, Sanitation And Hygiene)

Wendy Houghton 26-Jul-2017

WASH covers different areas such as improved quality of life, health, gender equality, international development and life expectancy. The experts in the said field are required to attain a degree in health and sanitation or other programs related to the said field. The main focus of the individuals associated with WASH is to improve quality of life usually in less developed countries or underdeveloped countries. There are different occupations related to WASH which can be proved useful if followed with strict implementation. Some of the most common professions of WASH are discussed in this guest post.

Health Workers
Health workers are destined to spread awareness regarding health among poor people who don’t have access to information related to health. Health workers teach illiterate and poor people the basic rules and principles of leading healthy life. These health workers also play an important role in saving nations from lifelong diseases such as polio by vaccinating youngsters. Preventive campaigns started by community health workers help in minimizing the chances of prevalent diseases in the said community. People also get to know different tips and tricks to keep their family safe from the onset of fatal diseases.

Sanitation and Hygiene Advisor
The main role of Sanitation and Hygiene Advisor is to make sure things which help in improving the quality of life. It is the duty of the Sanitation and Hygiene Advisor to keep a check on drinking water and hygiene conditions of people. He is responsible to provide clean and laboratory tested water to the general public. Water plays an important role in spreading diseases like cholera, diarrhea and like. An access to clean water can save people from lot of fatal diseases. Sanitation and Hygiene Advisor can work with United Nations and World Health Organization in underdeveloped countries and earn good salaries as well. It requires getting PhD degree in sanitation to get this respectable job at esteemed international organizations.

Poverty Eradication Officer
The duty of Poverty Eradication Officer is to make policies and plans which can be implemented to curb poverty in under developed countries such as countries of Africa. Poverty Eradication Officer visits the local population and note down the economic conditions of people of the said country or community. They make different strategies for poor students to attend schools and earn education because education is the best tool to combat the curse of poverty. In poverty ridden areas, people are usually illiterate because they lack financial funds to earn education. Poverty Eradication officials hold degrees in the said domain and given reasonable salaries and perks such as medical facilities along with bonuses and residence allowances as well. The experienced officials can get job offers from world class organizations, INGOS and firms.

Program Management Officer
This job requires experience and relevant diplomas and certification along with the master’s degree. Program Management Officer is a capable person who executes different projects related to health, sanitation and life. These officials are destined to complete the projects in given time frame and according to the given funds. This task is undoubtedly a challenging task and thus requires a person which is able to take challenging projects without fear of failure. The projects are usually related to education, AIDS, agriculture, monitoring and evaluation of plans related to children and poverty.

Protection and Gender Advisor
Protection and Gender Advisor is destined to monitor and regulate all those programs which are working for the protection of women against violence. These cases are usually seen in less developed countries where women face discrimination and violence. Protection and Gender Advisor implement programs and reviews the credibility of the said program. The evaluation of results help in determining the success of the programs executed to save women from violence and harassment. The concerned official also initiate campaigns which aim at protecting women by spreading awareness regarding the basic rights of women and how women are equal to men and their role in achieving success.

Child Protection Advisor
Child Protection Advisor works for the bright future of all the children of the society. These officials have goals to initiate education programs for the poor children. They also work against child labor and advocate for all those children who are living an arduous life.

The officials in all areas of WASH earn good salaries and learn about different cultures as well. WASH requires experiences personals because they are going to deal with challenging tasks and projects which are comparatively difficult to handle for fresh graduates and masters.

About The Author


Wendy Houghton

Wendy Houghton is content marketing consultant at Assignment Lounge, an assignment writing and editing consultancy firm. She has done Masters...


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