Careers In Human Rights

Jessica Barden 20-Jul-2017

There are people who have devoted their lives to building acareer in human rights. They work for the benefit of people and serve the humanity. You might link human rights with marches, protests, and outrageous headlines.But this highly crucial work area is more likely to be concerned along with the professors speaking at the conferences, soldiers carrying out peacekeeping activities, and lawyers arguing.

This field is completely focused on the promotion, enforcement, and protection of the most basic and fundamental rights that every human have. It was first set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the year 1948.Working in this field can be very tough in terms of emotional control as you would be required to interview people who have gone through torture, dark times, severe vandalism etc.

Careers in this field won’t make you rich, although a job at the United Nations doesn’t pay too bad, often senior position employees at the United Nations get 45,000 euros stretching. However, a passion for the cause is beneficial.

The field of human rights is multidisciplinary and broad that is comprised of inter-governmental, non-governmental, and governmental organizations working towards protecting and promoting human rights for everyone.Such organizations utilize a number of approaches that involves advocacy, policy development, research, and direct services.

Since the past several years, it has been seen that numerous career opportunities in this area are raised greatly that involves researchers, proposal writers, media professionals, journalists, and teachers. Human rights professional can work for NGOs who are committed to working for the human rights issues and civil liberties.

These kinds of NGOs are also active in the areas ofdisaster and emergency relief, rights activism, humanitarian assistance, displaced people, child rights, bonded labor, public interest litigation, and conflict resolutions among others.

Here are some of the best career/jobs in human rights that you can consider that bests suits you and your dreams.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization also known as Amnesty or simply AI. It is committed to working for the human rights that claim to hold more than 7 million supporters and member all over the world.

The motto of this organization is “it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness”. This international charity network was founded by Peter Benenson in London, the United Kingdom in 1961. The main service area of this organization is to protect human rights.

Amnesty renders their services to various fields including Legal Advocacy, Media attention, direct-appeal campaigns, research, lobbying etc. In the field of international human rights, Amnesty has the third longest history and broadest recognition by name and believed to be setting standards for the movement as a whole.

UN Organizations

United Nations is an inter-governmental organization that is committed to promote international co-operation as well as create and maintain the international order. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, it was founded in the year 1945.

The main aim for the establishment of this organization is to prevent conflict among nations as it was founded just after the end of World War II. There were 51 member countries in the beginning, but till now it has over 191 member countries.

There are several other organizations that fall under United Nations including ILO, UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO, UNDCP, UNFPA, and WHO.

All these organizations are focused towards maintaining international peace and security, fostering social and economic development, promoting human rights, providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict, and protecting the environment.


International Committee of the Red Cross is a non-governmental organization that is focused towards humanitarian relief. It was formed in the year 1863 has the purpose of protecting victims of conflicts. There are more than 14,500 supporters and members of ICRC all over the world.

This humanitarian institution based in Geneva, Switzerland as well as a three-time Nobel Prize Laureate. Victims include war wounded, refugees, prisoners, civilians, and other non-combatants.The ICRC is the part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement along with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and 190 Nation Societies.

It is the oldest and most honored organization within the Movement and one of the most widely recognized organizations in the world, having won three Nobel Peace Prizes in 1917, 1944, and 1963. Thus, these organizations are the best path to start a long run career or a job in the field of human rights. These organizations can provide you with the platform on which you can pursue your career in the area that appeals you the most.

About The Author


Jessica Barden

Jessica Barden is a social worker and activist at a popular essay writing service and also loves to write articles and...


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