HIV AIDS – The Present And Future

John Alex 23-Sep-2017

Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s, getting diagnosed with AIDS was like acquiring a death warrant. But, thanks to the recent advancements in treatment procedures and scientific awareness, experts are now able to help sufferers live longer, productive lives.As the healthcare community studied more about AIDS and its consequences, medical specialists realized that multidrug combination therapy was relatively more effective than a single medication.

The effective combination antiretroviral therapy aka ART has specifically changed the game by dramatically improving the life expectancy and health of HIV positive patients. Even though there is no cure for this deadly disease and still some people die from the lifelong repercussions of fatal infection, the remarkable advancements in medical science has made it possible for the patients to live a better life.

New Medications
Patients who aren’t recovering despite insistent treatment have high hopes for improvement. Scientists are preparing medicines that work in completely different manner from the first-gen of AIDS drugs. To recall, there were only four certified HIV medications in 1995, and the advantages of combination drugs had not been acknowledged. Today, more than 25 drugs are bunched up into six distinct groups based on how they fight against this disease.

The two very important researches conducted back in 1995-96 exhibited that a blend of two nukes was more useful than using a single inhibitor alone. Moreover, additional types of medications including PIs (polymerase inhibitors) and NNRTIs (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors) were on the edge of authorization. Gulick later on demonstrated that 3-drug combinations were better than 2-drug combinations. These advancements marked the inception of combination therapy.

How ART Works
Despite the fact that HIV drugs can aggressively attack the virus, the aftereffects can be harsh. In addition to that, not all types of drugs always work for everyone.

Antiretroviral medications do not cure AIDS. Their work is to quash the virus and slow down its growth in the human body. These drugs can even put down the virus to inaudible stage, but they do not wipe out the disease from the body on whole.

The FDA-Approved Most Recommended Antiretroviral Drugs

The most recommended antiretroviral medicines certified by the US Food and Drug Administration can be classified into four groups:RT Inhibitors

RT Inhibitors
RT inhibitors also known as Reverse Transcriptase disturbs the life process of AIDS-affected cell as it makes effort to copy itself. RT inhibitors may further be classified into two types.

  • NNRTIs:These drugs prohibit HIV making counterparts of it. Some of the common NNRTI drugs include Nevirapine, DLV, Efavirenz, and Intelence.
  • NRTIs: The purpose of these medications is to keep AIDS-affected cells away from making replicas of themselves by prohibiting the reformulation of the virus’s DNA chain. Some of the most commonly prescribed NRTIs include Abacavir, Stavudine, Emtricitabine, and Hivid.

Protease Inhibitors
PIs basically cripple protease, which is a protein HIV requires to make copies of it. The most recommended protease inhibitors include Tipranavir, Nelfinavir, Ritonavir, and Fortovase.

Entry Inhibitors
Entry inhibitors aka fusion inhibitors obstructs the virus from getting in CD4+ T-cells. The most widely accepted Entry inhibitors include Fuzeon and Maraviroc.

Integrase Inhibitors
These inhibitors immobilize integrase, which is a protein that AIDS need to taint CD4+ T-cells. Raltegravir is considered to be the most commonly used Integrase inhibitor.

HAART – An Effective Multidrug Combination Therapy
AIDS cells can convert and sometimes become impervious to a single drug. To prevent this, medical specialists will suggest a multidrug therapy that involves a merger of three or more antiretroviral medications. Today, HAART (Highly active antiretroviral therapy) is quickly becoming the basic treatment recommended by physicians for HIV-positive sufferers.

When this approach was first acknowledged by FDA back in 90’s, the HIV-connected deaths were cut down by approximately half in the US within 3 years. Stribild, another popular combination pill was approved by FDA in 2012. It includes four distinctive drugs for treating AIDS. In collaboration, these four drugs prohibit HIV from making copies and reduce the viral load in the body.

Although this approach is considered as a promising breakthrough in the realm of HIV, not every HIV patient is instructed to consume these pills. Make sure to consult your doctor before including anything new into your plan.

Developments in Prevention
The primary objective for many HIV scientists is locating an approach to stop the virus before it spreads. For this, doctors have always visualized a counteragent that could make people irresistible to the disease.

Antiretroviral therapy has literally remodeled the management of AIDS-affected patients over the past few decades. However, far-reaching challenges persist. These involve efforts to abolish HIV from body reservoirs, thereby eradicating the requirement for lifetime treatment.

Progress in medication development, clinical testing, and administrative alleys are indispensible to diligently check out innovative procedures and plans. Moreover, the shortage of antiretroviral drugs remains a biggest hurdle in underdeveloped countries.

How Can You Help?
Being diagnosed with AIDS is life-altering news. Besides medicinal procedures and clinical testing, there are many things you can do to help someone currently diagnosed with a disease.

  • Talk
  • Listen
  • Motivate
  • Learn
  • Support drug adherence

The role of teachers and private tutors is particularly imperative as they can best support patients living with or infected by this virus. Educational curriculum in HIV-laden countries require to adjust training programmes accessible to tutors to take in the intricate role that private teachers play in fostering children and adults living with HIV. Special coaching sessions can be arranged to guide the patients about the recent advancements in the field along with the ways that can be adopted to fight with HIV and its consequences.

The Future of HIV – A Final Thought
Scientists continue to hunt for new and more effective methods to prepare the evasive vaccine. Until a solution to this problem is identified, medical specialists and researchers will keep on finding new and practical ways to suppress the disease.