Responding To A Rejection Letter In A Job Interview

Hannah Ervin 17-Apr-2017

Getting a rejection letter is not easy. You experience a sense of agony, sadness, depression and anger – at the same time. However, we want to remind you that – if you keep your cool in this tough time, and respond back with a gracious and polite response – then you can actually save yourself a lot of grace.

Many a times, it happens that people actually acknowledge the positivity of the person – who bothers to respond back. There are numerous examples in real life that people got referred to other good companies by the organization too.

Another benefit of responding back politely is that – the entire process ends on a note of positivity. This is essential for keeping a good repute in the job market. For aiding you in developing a correct reply to such official intimations, we present some useful tips – brought right from the experts.

Hence, here are the most impressive things you may mention in the response letter:
1.  Show your Gratefulness

Inform them clearly of how thankful and appreciative you are – that they took your interview, and you also got to visit the workplace. For instance,
“I really appreciate the time and hospitality.”
“It feels an honor to having been interviewed for your prestigious organization.”

2.  Talk about the Learning Experience
Add a line about how the interviewing process was a learning experience for you. Explain to them that it would help you prepare better for other job interviews in the future. For example,
“It was an enlightening experience to do this interview.”
“The interview helped me become aware of many errors to avoid in the future.”

3.  Request for Further Feedback
Ask them some more feedback. Inform them to tell you about your flaws or mistakes during the interview. So, that you do not repeat the same errors again. For instance,
“I would request you to give me feedback on my interview.”
“I want to improve myself for my next interviews. Therefore, I would earnestly request you to let me know about the mistakes I might have committed during the interview.”

4.  Keep the Tone Confident
The tone of your language should not be too dejected. Ensure that you show confidence and optimism in the letter. This tone would speak volumes about you as a person – in the letter.

5.  Never Forget to Thank
Remember, the word ‘thank you’ is really important in this letter. It would imply that you acknowledge their effort of doing the entire process. The employers might think of re-considering you, when the next time a vacancy comes up – just because of your polite behavior.

6.  Avoid Negative Language
Do not use any sentence which contains ‘no’ or ‘not’ or any other such form of the word. This would definitely lead to a pessimistic impression, if used. Hence, the advice is ‘avoid the word no – at all costs’.

7.  Be Professional and Conversational
You should not sound too formal in the letter. Do explain the truthfulness of the situation. However, do not directly talk about the dejection or depression you felt – after hearing about the rejection.

8.  Talk about the Hard Work
It is your right to explain your side of the story. Tell them how hard you worked for that interview or how hard working you have been in your life. Remember, don’t just say ‘I am hard working’ – rather give logical and realistic examples – that automatically help the reader infer, that this person is definitely a hard worker.

9.  Avoid aggression
Make sure that you do not (either directly or indirectly) attack the organization, in your writing. Keep your dejected emotions aside and only focus on leaving a good impression on the organization. Otherwise, no apology would be able to repair the lost impression of yours – in front of that company.

10.  Do not Use Flowery Language
Many people commit a naïve mistake of using flowery language in their responses. This act simply seems irrational. The purpose of this letter should in ‘no way’ be an attempt, to try and get your job! So, be extremely careful and avoid using too many sweeping adjectives for the company.

11.  Inform that you will be trying again
You can certainly inform the company that you would definitely apply again –whenever a new and relevant vacancy comes up. This would prove your dedication and commitment towards that particular organization.

Thus, by using these strategies – you can definitely create an impressive response letter. It might help you in converting a failure into a success instantaneously!

About The Author


Hannah Ervin

Author of this article is Hannah Ervin. She works as a content marketing specialist at Assignment Hub, a UK based...


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