Understand Your Boss

Kedar Dash 08-Nov-2014

images (1) What Boss says is important but what s/he is trying to communicate is very important for your professional growth. At one point of in my career, I was having a boss who was having an extra polite voice and amazing personality. He was soft spoken but quite efficient in communicating what he wanted to communicate. After working for some time, I had started understanding the real meaning of his very sweet communication. Let me quote some, hope you will enjoy.


Boss Saying

What to understand

I would appreciate, if this can be completed by today. Do not leave the office without completing this task.
Things can be made better, You need to help your team in understanding the issue in details. You are the stupid boss of an incompetent team.
We need to have enough human resources in buffer to deal with emerging capacity constraint. Recruit new people and fire the existing incompetents.
Maybe, you can accompany the team to complete the work till late evening. You are also to stay late with your team so that the work is done.
I see lot of you are sitting together for project meeting – is it necessary?? Stop gossiping; eating biscuit and tea.
Mr. Y is a grate visionary but somehow his project is not producing the desired result. Mr. Y can only talk and not good at work.
Mr. Z has learned many new things by practice only by doing practice. Mr. Z has no formal education and work like donkey.
I would appreciate if you mark to me in all email having financial implication. Nobody is going to spend a penny without my formal approval.
Director is supposed to practice discretionary power in the best interest of the organization. Throw institutional process to dust bin and do what I am saying.
I have agreed with Mr. X that he would be moving on to explore new avenue. Mr. X is fired.


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About The Author


Kedar Dash

Kedar Dash is the Managing Director of Indev Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. For the past two decades, he has been pioneering...


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