Safe Online
Type of work: Project and Program Management
Relevent Country: United States of America
Last Date: 15-09-2024
Safe Online is excited to announce a new USD 5 Million Global Open Call for Proposals to continue laying the groundwork for a safe internet globally, in line with the latest data and evidence from the field, technology developments and relevant frameworks addressing digital harms to children.
With this new Open Call, Safe Online will continue to invest in a ‘whole system’ approach for maximum impact by supporting the work across multiple sectors in a coordinated manner to advance solutions to address online child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) and related forms of harms to children. The investment approach builds on the vast amount of knowledge generated through Safe Online’s investments, as well as the latest data and evidence in the field and wider digital harms ecosystem.
To invest most effectively in the most burning issues in the online CSEA ecosystem, the 2024 Open Call is focused on innovation and high impact.
Investment Pillars
To be considered for this Open Call, all proposals must clearly fall under one of the three investment pillars:
Pillar A: Networks and Systems:
Projects under this pillar strengthen systems, infrastructures and services across sectors and levels to enable effective action to prevent and respond to online CSEA and related harms to children. They also aim to create incentives for action through norms change, policies and advanced regulation.
The primary focus of this investment pillar is to strengthen country level capacity, cross-sector collaboration and international cooperation based on existing multi-stakeholder frameworks and networks, and in alignment with national efforts to tackle other forms of violence against children to enable more effective and coordinated prevention and response to online child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) and related digital harms.
Objective 1: Strengthen national, regional and global infrastructure to effectively prevent and respond to digital harms to children with a survivor-centred, inclusive and gender-sensitive approach (including boys) through coordinated law enforcement, criminal justice, industry and social care capacity as a necessary precursor to awareness raising and survivor support.
Initiatives include but are not limited to:
Pillar B: Research and Data:
Total funding envelope (estimated): $1 million USD
Pillar C: Technology Tools:
What they fund?
Non-profit and for-profit organisations with a demonstrated capacity to deliver results.
Catalytic, innovative proposals that reflect new ways of working, pioneering approaches or creative methodologies, tools, or services.
Projects that demonstrate understanding of the current state of the field based on the latest evidence, and add value to existing initiatives, research, or tools.
Proposals that demonstrate some combination of being highly innovative and having potential for high impact.
Proposals with specific and robust considerations of ethics, compliance with relevant legal frameworks, and risk mitigation measures.
Proposals that have diverse teams and/or partnerships in place that are representative of the focus of the work.
Proposals that have clearly articulated the budget need and how it aligns with key capacity, activities and outputs.
What they do not fund?
Add value
Add value and/or address gaps in the existing online CSEA ecosystem, does not duplicate, and/or builds upon and/or interacts with existing programmes/intervention, including strategic partnerships with Safe Online grantees and partners across levels and/or alignment with other relevant initiatives.
Involve local partners
Seek applications with active involvement and leadership of local partners and authorities in the design and delivery of activities, with explicit and formal buy-in from necessary entities and communities.
Be evidence-based
Apply an innovative, holistic and evidence-based approach, and address interlinkages between in global digital agendas including cybersecurity, gender-based violence online, image based sexual abuse, violent extremism online, etc. Components are child rights-centred, recognising and reflecting the full spectrum of human rights, including but not limited to privacy and safety.
Transparent and accountable
Ensure transparency with accountability mechanisms to ensure governing principles are adhered to and communicated clearly. Projects create open-source outputs and engage in open working techniques to the extent possible.
Representative and inclusive
Seek applications that are representative and inclusive, including countries of applicants and key partners, team profile, and population focus, and include clear consideration of downstream implications with nuanced understanding of contextual factors and differential user-experiences.
Child safety is paramount
Require and support child safeguarding policy development, and must be compliant with the relevant/applicable legislative, regulatory and enforcement frameworks, including data protection policy in alignment with relevant laws/guidance.
Capacity for work
Require alignment of project activities with team capacity and budget allocation for most effective and impactful use of resources.
Match the funding
Seek applications with availability to match the funding, and a strong evaluation and impact assessment.
Geographic Scope
Eligibility Criteria