Neptune State Prize
Type of work: Project and Program Management
Relevent Country: Austria
Last Date: 14-10-2024
Nominations are now open for the Neptune State Prize for Water that promote appreciation for water and its sustainable use in Austria.
The Neptun State Prize for Water is the Austrian environmental and innovation prize for sustainable water projects. It was founded in 1999 as the Neptun Water Prize to highlight the importance of water as a resource – especially in the areas of life, environment, economy, science, art and society. Since 2023, the Neptun Water Prize has been awarded as a state prize. Austria is one of the countries with the most water in Europe. This wealth brings with it great potential for use, but also the social responsibility and obligation to use the water resource carefully.
The Neptun State Prize for Water therefore aims to:
to highlight the importance of protecting domestic and global water resources,
Responses to global and societal challenges in the water sector to highlight,
to strengthen domestic know-how in the water sector and market opportunities for innovations from Austria,
the particular importance of participatory decision-making and open to address communication in water projects,
and to further increase the population’s active interest in water issues.
The partners of the Neptun State Prize for Water have also set themselves the goal of implementing the principles of gender mainstreaming in the tender, application and all other communication measures and acting accordingly. Concrete examples of application can be found in the following chapters.
The Main Prize
The main prize will be awarded to the project that best meets the evaluation criteria of all specialist categories.
Fields of action
Submissions in the following fields of action will be given special consideration in the WaterEDUCATION category:
Raising awareness of the new challenges of climate change
Highlight the global importance of water as a resource
(Awareness) education measures on the important functions that water bodies have for People provide
Environmental education with a focus on water & wastewater
Promoting conscious use and appreciation of water as a resource
Making water an experience
Enabling people to experience and understand nature and water as a resource is a multifaceted task. Entertaining education with a high experience and fun factor is particularly popular among children and young people.
Participation of citizens in water management
Collaboration across borders
Media representatives, agencies (also in the area of social media)
In the Water RESEARCH category, they are primarily looking for works (dissertations as well as diploma or master’s theses), studies, projects and initiatives that contribute to the protection and restoration of natural habitats in and around water, to the careful and sustainable use of water in settlements and agriculture, to the protection and preservation of biodiversity in aquatic habitats, or that deal with sustainable flood protection or ecologically compatible use of hydropower.
They are also looking for technologies, processes and projects that lead to the reduction, elimination or prevention of water pollution or that offer sustainable, practical system solutions for water extraction, infrastructure or wastewater disposal at home and abroad.
Fields of action
Submissions in the following fields of action will be considered in the category WasserFORSCHT Special consideration given to:
Climate change
The consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly noticeable in Austria and are also having an impact on research. Challenges and important research areas are: maintaining and improving water quality with regard to potential climate-related changes in groundwater and the associated safeguarding of the long-term supply of clean drinking water to the population; integrating ecological flood protection with regard to the already foreseeable changes caused by climate change; the effective and ecological use of hydropower as opposed to fossil fuels for energy production; the preservation of ecologically intact aquatic habitats as valuable CO2 stores and regulators for the local and global climate.
Sustainable water use
Careful and sustainable use of resources in settlements, agriculture and industry, in energy production using innovative technologies and solutions.
Groundwater and spring water
In order to preserve water resources for future generations, the Austrian Water Rights Act sets out the objective of comprehensive groundwater protection. Karst springs, which provide 50% of the drinking water, are particularly sensitive to pollution.
Drinking water supply and wastewater disposal
Water-influenced landscapes form habitat types with the highest biological diversity. Unfortunately, many of these habitats are threatened.
Export opportunities for Austria
Innovations and new water technologies not only reduce environmental pollution, they also create new jobs in Austria and open up new export opportunities to Abroad under the motto: “Innovative in the country, successful in the world”
Ecological hydraulic engineering (EU Water Framework Directive)
A key objective of the EU Water Framework Directive is to achieve a “good status” of water bodies. The renaturation, restructuring, revitalization of rivers and streams, the restoration of continuity, sustainable water networking, etc. are the main tasks of the next decade, along with the maintenance and improvement of water quality. Innovative measures and technologies are required for ecologically close-to-nature water body development.
Integrated flood protection
Flood protection on rivers used to be mainly focused on technical measures and land reclamation. Today, hydraulic engineering takes ecological requirements into account and tries to reconcile the population’s need for protection with water protection. Research to promote awareness of dangers is also addressed in this category. Prevention of natural hazards is increasingly important in view of the frequent Floods and heavy rain events remain a central topic of research and development.
Ecologically compatible use of hydropower
Hydroelectric power plants often represent insurmountable obstacles for fish. The construction of Fish ladders or bypass channels to ensure continuity are therefore important. Innovative solutions for residual water and other structural issues and for modernizing existing systems are also sought.
Priority target groups of the WasserFORSCHT category
Companies (especially R&D and research departments)
Start-ups/company founders
Universities and technical colleges
Austrian and international researchers
Associations, organisations, institutions
This category is intended to highlight and underline the importance of water in contemporary art and culture. Innovative designs and projects that creatively address the topic of water and come from a wide variety of art and cultural disciplines can be submitted. Priority is given to artists and cultural workers from areas such as multimedia, film, music, literature, architecture, visual and performing arts. Photography and performance art or festivals on the topic of water can also be submitted.
The category includes activities for water protection, for the preservation of the river and lake landscapes, or measures for renaturation, flood protection, or drinking water supply and wastewater disposal. Important contributions are municipal initiatives to raise awareness of the vital resource of water and tourism measures such as themed hiking trails or recreational areas by the water.
Fields of action
Submissions in the following fields of action will receive special consideration in the WasserREGIONAL category:
The regional category WaterVIENNA is a photo and video competition on the topic of “Water in Vienna”. The category has its own motto for each round of the Neptun State Prize for Water – in 2025 this is “Drinking water is climate protection in the blink of an eye”. They are looking for photos, pictures, drawings, collages or videos that fit the motto and were created in Vienna or have a specific connection to Vienna to be submitted.
Funding Information
Eligibility Criteria
Persons residing in Austria or organizations and companies based in Austria are eligible to participate. Persons who are familiar with the organization of the Neptun State Prize for Water or who have a close relationship with jury members are excluded from participation.