Monitoring and Evaluation Sr. Officer

Global Green Growth Institute

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Experience: 5 to 10 Years

Skill Required: Monitoring and Evaluation

Based in Seoul, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such as poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with multilateral institutions, government bodies, and the private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change to deliver comprehensive products designed to assist in developing, financing, and mainstreaming green growth in national economic development plans.

The Government of Ethiopia has taken action to advance on climate change adaptation by developing its National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH) and remains committed to pursue its implementation. In line with NAP-ETH, The NAP GCF Readiness project is being implemented under the title “Building Capacity to Facilitate the Integration of the National Adaptation Planning Process in Ethiopia by GGGI Ethiopia as a delivery partner in collaboration with the National Designated Authority (NDA) in Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)  with the objective of   pursuing further integration of climate change adaptation in development policies and strategies at the national and sub national level.


  • Serves as a Monitoring and Evaluation focal person for the project;
  • Lead development of the result-based monitoring and evaluation framework in line with NAP-ETH activities in Ethiopia;
  • Provides strategic guidance and support on gender responsive monitoring and evaluation system requirements (including results-based planning, monitoring and reporting, as well as evaluation);
  • Coordinates and implements programs and projects, including budget, project monitoring and evaluation and project models that align with national development priorities and can be promoted to the donor community.
  • Compile through research case studies and other illustrative materials capturing the lesson learned in the implementation of NAP-ETH;
  • Updates the monitoring and evaluation system of NAP-ETH implementation.


  • Builds capacities of key stakeholders on Results Based Management (RBM) principles and project cycle management;
  • Engage in bankable proposal development and develop result frame works for concept notes/proposals;
  • Support stakeholder engagement and strategic relations building with partner governments and other key stakeholders to capture and integrate their changing green growth needs and manage expectations
  • Promote green growth and the GGGI methodology with the donor community and other stakeholders.


  • Develop Monitoring and Evaluation plan in collaboration with the key partners/stakeholders that will be used as guide by key stakeholders in the planning and implementation process of the project;
  • Updating a result-based Monitoring and Evaluation system governing the full project cycle management of the NAP-ETH;
  • Review the project action plans and ensure that they are aligned with outputs and outcomes;
  • Prepare tools and develop M&E results framework such as Log frames, as well as SMART indicators that will facilitate project M&E and reporting
  • Produce result based periodic reports, guidelines, case study lesson learnt and update the donor on the progress as well as anticipate to challenges and implement timely solutions.
  • Integrate gender considerations within the monitoring and evaluation endeavors throughout each stage of the programme cycle (including the design, implementation, and impact stage) and ensure the use of gender disaggregated data;
  • Provide trainings to stakeholders, government counterparts and staff on RBM as appropriate.
  • Develop monthly reports and regular interim progress reports to the GCF
  • Perform other related duties as assigned by concerned supervisor.


  • A Master's Degree in relevant fields such as International Development, Project Management, Economics, Climate Change, Environmental Policy, Natural Resources Management & Sustainable Development, Public Administration, Public Finance Management, or related field;
  • Preferably 5-7 years of relevant work experience in one of the following with an emphasis on result-based M&E; strategy & program development, program & business monitoring &evaluation, resource mobilization, institutional capacity building, institutional management, results-based management, climate finance, public financial management and project development and in managing, coordinating development programmes preferably the multi/bi-lateral programmes at national and regional levels;
  • Solid knowledge and track record in relation to Climate Change interventions and NDCs issues such as adaptation, mitigation, climate financing, GHG inventory, international climate change dialogue, MRV, NAP-ETH, social and environmental and gender equality aspects etc.;
  • Solid understanding of legal and institutional framework of Ethiopia's NAP, NDCs, such as key national stakeholders for implementation of NAP-ETH, including regional institutional set up;
  • Extensive knowledge and experience of donor policies, priorities, and programming especially in developing programmes in the climate context;
  • Track record of successfully working with governments on climate change particularly the implementation of Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) and sustainable development agenda is preferable;
  • Knowledge of national and subnational governance structures and networks;
  • Experience working for/ with international institutions and familiarity with their policies and procedures;
  • Certification in program/project development or management as well as result-based M&E is an asset.
