Monitoring & Evaluation and Knowledge sharing Officer

International Labour Organization

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Experience: 3 to 5 Years

Skill Required: Monitoring and Evaluation

The ILO seeks to recruit a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Knowledge sharing Officer at NO-B level to support the “Better Regional Migration Management” (BRMM) project phase II financed by the UK Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and “Program for Implementation of Djibouti Declaration on Labour, Employment and Labour Migration (” (PIDD).

The overall objective of the BRMM project is to strengthen the capacity of countries in East Africa and Horn of Africa to govern labour migration by using evidence-based policies, enhance migrant workers’ qualifications and skills, and actively engage the social partners. The BRMM Project Phase II will build on the work carried out by BRMM Project Phase I and cover 3 inter-related components of intervention, namely:

  • Labour migration policies and programmes that support productive migration in East Africa and Horn of Africa are evidence-based and gender sensitive;
  • Labour migration governance is more equitable and effective recognizing skills and facilitating social inclusion and decent work;
  • Labour migration governance is strengthened through being more inclusive of social partners.

The overall objective of the Program for the Implementation of the Djibouti Declaration on Labour Employment and Labour Migration is for IGAD Secretariat, IGAD Member States and Social Partners put in place and implement appropriate legislations, policies, systems, practices to advance decent employment opportunities for citizens particularly youth, women and migrant workers and facilitate regular labour migration in and from the IGAD region. With the ambit of this overall objective, the program will have four specific objectives namely:

  • Youth, Women, migrants and other vulnerable groups in the IGAD Region have access to decent employment opportunities
  • Potential Migrants and Migrant workers in and from the IGAD Region have improved opportunities for regular labour migration  
  • Effective and inclusive national and regional social dialogue systems and practices are institutionalized and strengthened in the IGAD region
  • Migrant workers and workers in the rural and informal economy have improved coverage by social security systems.

The Projects will draw on existing or recently completed ILO interventions in East and Horn of Africa and beyond and seek synergies and complementarities in interventions, avoiding overlapping and duplication, thus improving the sustainability of the proposed activities. The project will be implemented in Ethiopia, Djibouti, South Sudan, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania.

The incumbent will be based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and travel to the countries covered by the project to facilitate and support the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects outputs and activities. The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Knowledge sharing Officer will closely work with and provide technical support and guidance to all project staff and constituents in the different countries covered by the projects, external collaborators and partners in regard to M&E issues. In particular, technical guidance will be provided to increase credibility and accountability of Project results at the highest level, to be a catalyst for learning and to contribute to build national stakeholders’ and partners’ capacity in evidence-based M&E.

Reporting lines:

Main duties and responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement the project’s Theory of change based Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy (CMES), including a pre-situational analysis of the project in covered countries , a Theory of change, a results framework (i.e. indicators, baselines and targets), an activity matrix to map activities to outputs and outcomes and a detailed M&E plan, taking into account the findings of the final evaluation of the BRMM phase I and FMPT projects;
  • Develop and implement an M&E strategy to enhance the link between monitoring and evaluation by documenting systemic changes and the effects of evidence-based models of intervention;
  • Support the independent midterm and final project evaluations;
  • Oversee the implementation and reporting of the project’s baseline survey;
  • Provide technical support and assist implementing partners and service providers in developing their capacities to participate in the CMES at all stages for accountability and learning, including addressing the two projects M&E requirements;
  • Establish/maintain close relations with national authorities and project partners, especially with respect to M&E activities;
  • Support the financial management of the project budget, with developing and regularly monitoring indicators and targets and coordinate M&E of project interventions at regional & national levels;
  • Prepare progress and ad hoc reports on activities, collect and analyse information on labour migration and data gaps; provide inputs and data for conferences, seminars, workshops, training sessions and meetings and support awareness raising and capacity building activities with data;
  • Conduct regular, as well as end-of-project final analysis on M&E  indicator data, and overall results analysis;
  • Undertake any other relevant duties requested by the Director and CTA.

Qualification requirements:


  • First Level University Degree in statistics, demographics, public policy, international development, economics, or related field.  An advanced certificate in M&E, statistics, economics, or international development  would be an advantage.


  • At least three years of progressively responsible relevant professional experience and in an M&E position responsible for implementing M&E activities of international development projects.
  • Experience in planning and managing various studies; for example, performance evaluations, baseline studies, case studies, and gender/diversity-related studies.
  • Experience in designing and managing multiple disaggregation variables for participant monitoring and database systems, including gender and age.
  • Experience in working in an FCDO funded project would be an advantage, as would previous experience working in the region with projects related to labour migration.
  • Experience in strategic planning and performance measurement, including indicator design, target setting, reporting, database management, and developing M&E and performance monitoring plans.
  • Experience in designing, administering and refining data collection tools, conducting data entry, data cleaning, data processing, and analysis.
  • Knowledge of the major evaluation methodologies (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed method, and impact) and data collection and analysis methodologies.
  • Experience in managing and providing ongoing training to M&E field officers and/or subrecipients.
  • Experience with data quality assessments and oversight.


  • Excellent command of English and good working knowledge of Amharic are required.
