Importance For Communication For Development

Katherine Brunt 07-Sep-2017

Importance for Communication for Development Communication is therefore imperative to appropriate a referential philosophical framework, which allows explaining the concrete scope of the reality with which we work, which facilitates the teacher to assume a pedagogical behaviour consistent with this philosophical conception of departure. Our objective is to reflect on the communicative interaction in the pedagogical process, taking into account the principle of dialectical materialist determinism that explains the formation of human subjectivity.As specific objectives, it is of first interest to analyse the importance of communication in the development of subjectivity, from the philosophical point of view, and to evaluate the general postulates in this sense.Secondly, it is important to evaluate the communicative interaction in the pedagogical process to offer some concrete suggestions that contribute to the improvement of this process.

Influence of the activity and the communication in the development of the personality
Marxist philosophy, which so aptly defined the dialectical materialist determination of the development of the subject, distinguished 2 basic processes that significantly influence the development of man: activity and communication. Both are determining processes in the formation of human subjectivity. In activity, as the general process of interaction of the subject with the object, it is possible to distinguish three fundamental elements:

  • The subject, endowed with activism directed at objects or other subjects
  • The object, to which activism is directed
  • The activity itself, which is expressed in one or another mode of domination of the object by the subject or an establishment by the subject of a communicative interaction with other people.
The function of subject of activity can be performed by a specific individual, one or another social group and society in general, for there is no doubt that the activity of the isolated individual is only an abstraction, since in reality, the individual is immersed In the activism of different social groups.To recognize the essence of human activism, it is necessary to recognize the fact that subjects act together, with each other. In the realm of these relationships is that people influence one over another. These relationships not only constitute premises of the activity, but also form a peculiar non-object product.

The fundamental property of human activity is the fact that its subject always results in a particular set of social relations between individuals.Therefore the necessary premises for the formation of the subject of the activity are the people themselves and the system of organization that unites them (the materialist dialectical principle of the correlation between the individual and the social).Undoubtedly, social relations impose a type of personality characteristic of a particular historical epoch, shape the character of their social activism and “refract” through the specificity of the place of the individual in these relationships and their subjectivity.

Following the principle of the correlation between the individual and the social mentioned above, the individual level of the social being serves as a particular form of manifestation of the social regularities of the higher level. Through the dialectic of the individual and the social is expressed the way in which the individual and social level interacts with each other. For example, specific types of social relationships correspond, at the individual level, special forms of communication and communicative skills.For this reason, psychological research should be oriented not only to the verification of social conditions in general, but to reveal the nature of the social mechanisms that act at individual level.

The analysis of communication and its influence on the development of the personality represents, therefore, a methodological principle of the humanistic and social sciences as the psychology or the own pedagogy.What is essential in the relationship between the average man is not the conformation of a cold intellectual and sensory image of everything that surrounds man, but the formation of a complex ideology, as well as very specific psychological springs (ideals, convictions, etc.) which Form by the psychological sense that the reality charges for the man through its relations with the others.

The socio historical determinism in each concrete personality takes its psychological meaning through the relations between men, through which the whole reality that surrounds it becomes meaningful.In the systems of activity and communication in which the subject is developed the needs are created to stimulate or not the subjective particularities of the personality. The subject is shaping his subjectivity on the basis of what he needs to individualize his expression and achieve his goals.For example, the adult in the subject-subject framework carries a historically acquired social experience, whereby its incidence on the child synthesizes the essential aspect of socio-historical determinism over its developing individuality.

The non-participatory means, which replaces individual responsibility, does not stimulate the development of personality like BlackmbaUK, but blocks it and induces passivity, conformism, reproduction and insecurity.The creation of a participatory social atmosphere involves the formation of institutional environments that are also participatory (schools, work centres, etc.). The creation of a participatory culture where communication is respected and encouraged is the antithesis of the culture of behaviour that has prevailed in human society for so long


About The Author


Katherine Brunt

Jason Luke is the recruitment specialist at a FMCG firm in Houston. He studied HR management in graduate school and...


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