It is nice to do great work, but important to share the good work so that people can know about it and the success finds its avenue for further replication,” said my boss long ago.
After doing a detailed review, The Operation Research (OR) department found that there are many employees writing “Misc – Thinking, Innovation and Capacity Development (Usage Code – 420)” as the heading in their Daily Time Sheet (DTS).
What Boss says is important but what s/he is trying to communicate is very important for your professional growth. At one point of in my career, I was having a boss who was having an extra polite voice and amazing personality. He was soft spoken but quite efficient in communicating what he wanted to communicate. After working for some time, I had started understanding the real meaning of his very sweet communication. Let me quote some, hope you will enjoy.
There was a time when I was about to graduate from college after having done B.Tech from IIT Kanpur, India and an MBA from Paris and I wondered which career path I should opt for. On one hand, where the private sector with its perks and salaries pulled me towards itself, on the other hand, a burning desire to create some difference in the lives of the so many around me, made my decision making extremely difficult.
Though the concept of “Creating Shared Values” has been long discussed and debated for its definition and institutional stakes globally, passing of mandatory CSR provisions in India has gained much attention among development professional across borders of its intent, relevance and applicability.
Civil society is one of the crucial parts of modern democracies. It’s a synergy of various groups, NGOs, and individuals who monitor local governments and try to articulate and advocate the subjects of public interest.Civil society organizations and NGOs play a key role in the prevention of corruption. They also struggle to transform authoritative politics and strengthen young democracies. Having these goals in mind, it’s no wonder that there are more than 10 million NGOs registered worldwide.