
Career in Development Sector
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Why Funding For Developing Countries is done?

Marlin Wright 11-Jan-2018

The major questions that come frequently to mind are: What is the need for funding? Is funding can only for less developed countries? What makes developed countries to fund them?

Corporate Social Responsibility in India: The Changing paradigm

Philip Bryant 17-Jan-2018

The new world order where corporate wars remain the talk of the day for over decades has brought both negative appraisals and positive impacts. Despite the fact that conflict still exists in a few countries in the world, India together with other nation in the world has seen the sense for the need for an efficient and necessary corporate social responsibility.

Gender equity in Development Sector

Luisa Brenton 19-Jan-2018

Naturally, most people who work in the development sector is pretty open minded about gender equality. After all, together we’re trying to make the world a better place for people. And quite often the people we’re in the best position to help and who can make the biggest difference to their country if helped are women.

Current Hiring Practices and Trends in the Development Sector.

David Mackenzie 28-Feb-2018

Aspiring international development workers, diplomats, and change-makers within the development sector (from social enterprises to those in the private and corporate sectors) need to know and acknowledge the trends and challenges currently being experienced in the development sector.But with economic growth continuing to disappoint with the same trend remaining globally widespread, collaborative partnerships are required to combat deteriorating labour market conditions and rising global unemployment.

Online Job Opportunities for Students in Development Sector

Richard Smith 05-Apr-2018

Students looking for part-time jobs to supplement their income should have a swell time checking out the following options. With the internet and the number of opportunities available on the web, you do not have to search futilely for neighborhood, menial jobs like cleaning a lawn, washing a car, walking the dog, or throwing out trash. Now, you can simply put up your laptop, plug in some high-speed dongle, and get on with earning some additional cash.

Career Opportunities in International Development

Payal Bhatia 12-Apr-2018

The rapid evolution of the global development sector means finding career opportunities has become more competitive than ever. Technological advancements and innovations have changed the employment landscape.

Is Nutrition a good career option?

Jedda 18-May-2017

When we talk about the most popular industries with high-paying jobs, nutrition does not make the list in most of the cases. In today’s fast-paced world, where every other school student wants to become either an engineer, a businessman, a doctor or an architect, the number of young people interested in nutrition as a career is comparatively lower.However, if you see the brighter side, the competition in this particular field is less intense, and interestingly, there are plenty career options to explore as well. If you are pursuing your higher studies in Nutrition, you may like to assess all the possible career options that you can have in this particular field.

A Definitive Guide on How to Boost your Data Science Career

Vivek Kumar 18-Jul-2013

The name ‘data science’ itself can be overwhelming for many but can prove to be a perfect career path for those who’ve got a flair for numbers and a way with computers. While it helps to have a working knowledge on the domains of statistics, programming, distributed computing, databases, machine learning, experimental design, deep learning, and natural language process – it is also important to have the ability of complex problem-solving.

5 Ways to Work from Home More Effectively

Garima Pachauri 18-Jul-2018

Having a notion of working from home is easy is proved false in recent years. With the people looking forward and opting for working from home is increasing every day. But is it easy to work from home, no indeed not?

How to make a decision when you get multiple jobs offers

Nathan William 15-Oct-2018

It’s time to celebrate I believe? All your hard work and industry knowledge are finally about to pay off, and you cannot be more excited about it, especially when there are multiple job offers flooding your mailbox. That’s where you need to hold your horses; stay calm, think it over and make a decision worth appreciating your entire life. In case you are confused and over excited to see too many job offers knocking on your order, take some time out to read through the following suggestions. It might just help you to make the right decision in the long run.

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